Sunday, December 6, 2015

Thanksgiving in Scammon Bay

Many people have ask me if the Yupik Eskimo celebrates Thanksgiving. I can really only speak for my village of Scammon Bay and the answer is "yes!". The festivities begin on Wednesday and go through Saturday! There's no place to go shopping or out to eat but there's lots going on here during the week of Thanksgiving.
Our school hosts a Community Feast the day before Thanksgiving. Everyone is invited and many people come up to the school to eat with their kids and grandkids. It's a good time of fellowship and being thankful for our many blessings.

Our delicious meal was a blend of the "traditional Thanksgiving foods" and traditional Native foods. On the tray you can see turkey and dressing, creamed potatoes and cranberry sauce, apple crisp and agutuq sometimes called Eskimo Ice Cream.
Our wonderful cooks put in a lot of hard work to make our feast possible. Thanks ladies!

Then on Wednesday night, we have Turkey Bingo! It's a fundraiser for our ball teams to travel to a tournament in Anchorage. Lots of great prizes are won, especially the grand prizes of whole turkeys.
The young and not so young enjoy playing Bingo!

As you can see, we had a great turnout for Turkey Bingo!

The moon reflecting over the frozen tundra on Thanksgiving Eve.

Thanksgiving Day at our place.......
Thanksgiving morning. Sunrise over the tundra as viewed from our front door.

We had 7 guests for Thanksgiving meal. Allie's parents from South Dakota and her sister from Fairbanks, and 4 others from Scammon Bay. 

Our chief cook, Allie's mom, Lee. She prepared lots of wonderful food and it was enjoyed by all. 

Allie, Holly and Alexis. Did you know if you ever leave your phone unattended others will take selfies with it?

Allie's dad, Keith carves the turkey.

Holly and Drew from Kansas City.
Drew carves the swan. I wonder how many people down-states had swan and stuffing for Thanksgiving. Yep, we eat swan here! It's good. 

Allie's sister, Mary. (I kept leaving my phone unattended.)

Karen from Georgia.

Homemade goodies sent from friends in Arkansas. Thanks Terresia, Karen and Judy!

Wild Alaskan Berry Pie baked by Allie's sister, Mary. Yum!
We had creamed potatoes, hot rolls, sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows, pumpkin pie and pecan pie, too. 
It was a very good Thanksgiving Day. 
In addition, Allie's family brought totes filled with lots of food and we feasted for the whole weekend!

Then on Friday and Saturday was the Family Volleyball tournament. It's a fundraiser for our kids who want to go to Bible Camp in the summer at Unalakleet.

Lots of good-natured competition in a double elimination tournament. Good exercise after stuffing on Thanksgiving Day. 
So, yes, we celebrate Thanksgiving in Scammon Bay. It's a time of family, food and fun. 
I am thankful for the Lord's blessings, especially my family and friends both far and near. 
Happy Thanksgiving!

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